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TBS1000C Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

The TBS1000C is designed to meet the needs of today's educational institutions and embedded design labs, with integrated lab exercises, an easy-to-use HelpEverywhere® system and step-by-step instructions. 5-year warranty.

TBS2000B Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

The TBS2000B oscilloscopes help you to SEE MORE, with a 9in WVGA display and 15 horizontal divisions, and MEASURE MORE with high-performance features, HelpEverywhere® system and new on-waveform cursor readouts.

3 Series Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes

The 3 Series MDO scopes come with 1GHz passive probes on all 1GHz models, plus a built-in 1GHz spectrum analyser. SPECIAL OFFER: get a FREE bandwidth upgrade, plus three FREE application modules – a saving of up to 69%!

4 Series Mixed Signal Oscilloscopes

With the largest display and highest available channel count in its class, the 4 Series offers unprecedented insight in a bench-friendly package. And its made-for-touch user interface works exactly as you'd expect.

Graphical Digital Multimeters

The DMM6500 and DMM7510 are general-purpose 6½ and 7½ digit touchscreen DMMs which can help you to debug, validate, and manufacture your end devices. Measurement capabilities include transient capture, data visualisation and analysis.

AFG31000 Arbitrary Function Generators

The AFG31000 Series is a high-performance touchscreen AFG with built-in arbitrary waveform generation, real-time waveform monitoring, and the largest user interface on the market.

2400 Series Graphical SMUs

Combining a digital multimeter (DMM), power supply, current source, electronic load and pulse generator into one instrument, the 2400 Series SMUs bring advanced Touch, Test, Inventᴿ technology to your fingertips.

2230-G Series Power Supplies

The industry's most reliable DC bench power supplies, with a wide range of voltage, current and power outputs.

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