

Founded in 2004, Taoglas is started as an antenna company with Irish roots and has grown to be a trusted international connectivity partner. With their current line of advanced RF components, cables, speakers, and magnetics, Taoglas helps OEMs, enterprises, and communities resolve the complexities of bringing digital transformation solutions to market quickly and cost effectively. Having a focus on supporting customers from design to implementation, offers testing and design services from locations around the world, covering all forms of wireless to cover all wireless communication needs in GNSS, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth®, Cellular and LPWA.

Taoglas has unique knowledge in integrating, certifying, and commercializing highly complex technology solutions, providing seasoned engineering expertise along with support and test centers globally. They use the latest high-performance materials to develop leading antenna and RF components. Using these materials enables the company to deliver performance and reliability customers can trust. This ideal continues into our design and support for magnetics, cables, connectors, and speakers. Taoglas' goal is to deliver new products that enable innovative solutions for the connected world.

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Отображение перечня продукции от Taoglas

Аудиовизуальное Оборудование

Беспроводные Модули и Адаптеры

Датчики и Преобразователи

Кабели, Провода и Сборки

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки

Пассивные Компоненты



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Новая продукция от Taoglas

Аудиовизуальное Оборудование

Беспроводные Модули и Адаптеры

Кабели, Провода и Сборки

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки

Пассивные Компоненты


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