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Swissbit AG 

is the only independent European manufacturer of storage and embedded IoT solutions for demanding applications. Swissbit combines its unique competences in storage and embedded IoT technology with its advanced packaging. This expertise allows our customers to reliably store and protect data in industrial, NetCom, automotive, medical and finance applications as well as across the Internet of Things (IoT). Swissbit develops and manufactures real industrial storage and security products "Made in Germany" with long-term availability, high reliability and custom optimization. Swissbit's storage range includes SSDs with PCIe and SATA interface such as mSATA, Slim SATA, CFast™, M.2 and 2.5" as well as CompactFlash, USB flash drives, SD Memory Cards, micro SD Memory Cards and managed NAND BGAs like e.MMC. Security products are available in various application specific editions as USB flash drives, SD Memory Cards, and micro SD Memory Cards. Swissbit was founded in 2001 and has offices in Switzerland, Germany, USA, Japan and Taiwan.

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Отображение перечня продукции от Swissbit

Raspberry Pi

Беспроводные Модули и Адаптеры

Офис и Компьютер

Полупроводники - Микросхемы

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Новая продукция от Swissbit

Полупроводники - Микросхемы

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