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is a leading worldwide factory and logistics automation technology manufacturer. We manufacture our sensors and develop digital services to achieve high precision, reliability and versatility.

SICK continues leading the industry in new product and service innovations. Transforming manufacturing and logistic processes into intelligent, flexible, self-optimizing systems that can instantly adapt and learn from new conditions to run processes autonomously using real-time data. The diversity of the product line allows SICK to offer solutions at every phase of production from: automotive, consumer goods, packaging, electronics, and food & beverage, to logistics, parcel and material handling.

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Отображение перечня продукции от Sick

Батареи и Зарядные Устройства

Датчики и Преобразователи

Инструменты и Производственное Оборудование

Кабели, Провода и Сборки

Офис и Компьютер


Реле и Переключатели

Средства Автоматизации и Управления Процессами

Показать все товары (1 108)


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