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RECOM Power 

manufactures a full range of standard and customized DC/DC and AC/DC converters, including switching regulators and LED drivers, from sub-1W to tens of kW. Within its headquarters in Austria, RECOM has a state-of-the-art logistics R&D centre and laboratory, where their high quality and innovative products are developed. RECOM’s manufacturing and logistics sites are ISO 9001 or automotive IATF 16949 certified, guaranteeing the highest level of quality control of their converters for IoT, Industry 4.0, energy technology, medical, and transportation. Read More

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Отображение перечня продукции от Recom Power

Компоненты Светодиодного Освещения

Макетные Платы, Инструменты Оценки

Пассивные Компоненты

Устройства Подачи Питания и Защиты Цепи

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Новая продукция от Recom Power

Устройства Подачи Питания и Защиты Цепи

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