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CTS Corporation 

- Your Partner in Smart Solutions. Founded in 1896, CTS Corporation (NYSE: CTS) is a leading designer and manufacturer of products that Sense, Connect, and Move. The company manufactures sensors, actuators, and electronic components in North America, Europe, and Asia. Read More

New Products
Series 218: Half Pitch, SMD DIP Switch

Unique compact type design allows to be used at mini size application. Optional sealed structure is optimized for board washing during soldering process. It makes it the ideal choice for any server, security and HVAC systems

Series 291: Precision, Long-life 12mm Optical Encoder

The 291 Series allows versatility in design applications by providing highly reliable, precise digital output and long rotational life with our non-contacting design. This product provides flexibility in resolution, power consumption, and operating temperatures.

Model CB3LV: Low voltage clock oscillators supporting HCMOS output

CTS Model CB3 and CB3LV are low cost, low voltage clock oscillators supporting HCMOS output. Employing the latest IC technology, CB3/CB3LV have excellent stability and low phase jitter performance.

Model 416: Ultra-Miniature Surface Mount Crystal

CTS Model 416 incorporates a high Q quartz resonator and is ideal for supporting a wide range of commercial and industrial applications.

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